where is the perfect place for a first date?
2006-05-02 15:37:50 UTC
where is the perfect place for a first date?
23 answers:
Wilde Enchantress
2006-05-02 15:47:09 UTC
There is no one "perfect" place, because we are all such different and unique individuals. I would say the perfect place; therefore, is somewhere the parties involved both feel a sense of comfort and ease, and a bit of privacy to allow for getting to know eachother better--with a touch of romantic spark. ;) Be it the beach, a restaurant, the movies, or wherever. Have fun!
2006-05-02 22:44:46 UTC
It depends on how serious you want it to be or how easy going. If you want a more serious type of date maybe a nice restaurant that kicks it up a notch. For example, somewhere with some flare or uniqueness. You could also see a movie afterward. I suggest a drive-in type movie scenario, however, regular theatres or even viewing movies at home are cool. Maybe you would even want to go watch a play or something to be different. As for the more easy going date maybe something that's really unique that the other person will remember. Like paintball or laser tag. Whatever you think they're into, but that wouldn't be typical. I think that a picnic in a park or something could be nice and easy going too. It just depends on what the other person likes, and what impression you want to make. :)
San Diego
2006-05-02 22:43:50 UTC
For a first date it is good to do an activity so you will have something to talk about. Good ideas are going to visit art gallery, museums, bowling, or miniature golf. It is easier than sitting in a restaurant eating and trying to think of things to say... if you are participating in an activity, you can at least talk about the activity. Also you can learn a lot about a person by how they react to the activity.
2006-05-05 12:22:26 UTC
anything but a movie. you can't get to know the person, you sit there for over two hours staring at a screen and not talking. I personnaly suggest, if in Indy, the Spaghetti Warehouse and then go Ice Skating, take a carriage ride as well. Thats how I got my wife.
2006-05-02 22:40:11 UTC
Theres a kickazz sushi place down the road from me with live cooking. Cool stuff. Try something like that thats not just a boring sit-down place.
Cero Kool
2006-05-02 22:41:15 UTC
Movies: Includes food, and you can talk through the previews. And when things start getting akward, the movie starts. Perfect timing. Good luck!
Eric P
2006-05-09 02:22:53 UTC
Go to Binkley's in Broad Ripple (on College south of the main strip of Broad Ripple, then go to the Crackers comedy club.
2006-05-03 22:25:41 UTC
If you like Seafood, go to Red Lobster at night, then go catch a romantic movie. Have a ooo time!
2006-05-02 22:49:00 UTC
In my opinion will be a restaurant having dinner. De'PubucoBeshua, is a really good one in Las Vegas.
2006-05-02 22:40:41 UTC
a picnic in a nice secluded place under a shade tree on a blanket
2006-05-02 22:40:03 UTC
spending an evening eating at a fantastic restraunt maybe with some dancing...Then Enjoy the sunset by the water...and even share a kiss or two :)
2006-05-02 22:49:49 UTC
a movie or a nice dinner and walk in the park,walk on the beach
2006-05-02 22:43:44 UTC
well it kinda depends on what you both like to do,but a fun place to go bowling and out to dinner.
2006-05-08 21:34:52 UTC
a nice walk dinner then a evening of total worship of each other
2006-05-03 20:13:35 UTC
dinner and then a movie then a place for a little dessert.
2006-05-02 22:41:21 UTC
A movie

Dinner buy the beach

2006-05-02 22:41:07 UTC
In my opinion I would rather do something thats fun and not too Serious just to make things more comfortable!!!!..but thats just me!
2006-05-02 22:41:00 UTC
Chystal palace United Kindom . i am waiting here
2006-05-02 22:42:45 UTC
take her to the church, let her feel that you have a good intention then you can have dinner or go to movie
2006-05-02 22:38:24 UTC
go out to dinner and a movie.
2006-05-02 22:41:35 UTC
depends on what tastes u have and he has....lemme know and ill be able to suggest in a better way.
2006-05-02 22:46:49 UTC
behind the dumpster at kfc
2006-05-02 22:40:02 UTC
My bed

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